Oh my goth - STICKERS!

Owl Post - Vinyl Die Cut Stickers

GothFromHoth Designs

Regular price $3.00
Owl Post - Vinyl Die Cut Stickers - GothFromHoth Designs

We at the Working Magical Creatures Division, or W.M.C.D, of GothFromHoth Designs studio, are happy to make new Owl Post vinyl stickers available! They come in sizes small enough for muggle porch mailboxes up through large enough for the standard muggle street-side mailbox. The multi-purpose sticky backing also means it can be easily removed and re-stuck again. (DO NOT stick to your owl please, they do not appreciate this!)


But Why Should I Get This? Owls are Smart

Displaying a W.M.C.D. Owl Post sticker could help new owls and old owls alike - new owls delivering your mail who are unfamiliar with muggle customs tend to accidentally break windows, drop mail in compost bins, or even down chimneys; and while experienced owls have learned the muggle customs, if you move to a new location adding a sticker to your new mailbox can help them know where your new preferred drop zone is.

Grab a sticker, help the owls!

"Saving windows and beaks since 2018."

-W.C.M.D. of G.F.H.D.

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